Rochester and Seattle: A Twitter Thread

Rochester and Seattle have more in common than people realize: A Twitter Thread. #AMZNinROC
1. Please be patient because I’m a Twitter n00b and have never tweeted a thread before.
2. Both skylines feature vanity elements (Space Needle, Wings of Progress).
3. Both are dramatically influenced by water downtown (Lake Union/Puget Sound, Genesee River/High Falls).
4. Both are home to excellent universities. (Not going to name names lest I offend by omission.)
5. Both have access to recreational water as tame (Lake Sammamish, Irondequoit Bay) or as fierce (Puget Sound, Lake Ontario) as desired.
6. Both are very grey in the wintertime (Rochester and Seattle experience 304 and 308 cloudy days per year, respectively).
7. Both feature unique water engineering projects of epic proportions: the Erie Canal and the Ship Canal.
7a. The canals deserve extra airtime, so here is some exposition.
7b. When the Erie Canal was completed (1825), it was 363 miles long, connecting Lake Erie (Buffalo) to the Hudson River (Albany).
7c. When Lake Union was connected to Puget Sound by the Ship Canal (1917), Lake Washington water level dropped by 9 feet and a river dried up.
8. Both are a bit challenged from a public transit perspective. Too many roads, not enough rails.
9. Both cities have been “company towns” in the past. (Boeing, Kodak.)
So those are some similarities… back later to comment on a few differences!


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